Free delivery in France for orders above €40

General terms and conditions

Les présentes conditions générales de vente sont conclues entre la micro-entreprise Wolf ID représentée par Quentin Petit Dit Dariel, dont le siège social est situé au 52 Boulevard Perier 13008 Marseille, immatriculée au Registre du commerce et des sociétés de Marseille sous le numéro 980 597 249(ci-après « Wolf ID») et toute personne physique ou morale, particulier ou professionnel visitant ou effectuant un achat via ledit Site (ci-après « le Client »). 

Article 1 –  Objet 

The purpose of the present general conditions is to define the legal conditions of the services provided by Wolf ID to the Client as well as those relating to the use of the website (hereafter "the Site").

They apply exclusively between the company Wolf ID and the Customer.

On the Site, Wolf ID allows the Customer to order online products of the Wolf ID brand (hereafter " the Product(s) ") according to the present general conditions.

Any access and/or use of the Site as well as any order with Wolf ID supposes the express acceptance and the unconditional respect of all the terms of the present general conditions by the Customer.

The present general conditions can be modified at any time and without notice by Wolf ID, the applicable conditions being those in force at the date of the order by the Customer.

The present general conditions of sale are permanently accessible at the following address in a computer format allowing their printing and/or downloading, so that the Customer can proceed to their reproduction or to their safeguard.

Article 2  –  Produits et conformité

2.1  Wolf ID commercialise des cartes de visite connectées (Ci-après le(s) « WolfCard»). Les produits dénommés « WolfCard Essential », « WolfCard Standard», « WolfCard Wood», « WolfCard Metal» et « WolfCard Premium » sont présentés sur le site et assortis d’un descriptif. 

2.2  Les Produits proposés par Wolf ID sont conformes aux normes applicables en France.

The elements such as photographs, texts, graphics as well as all information and characteristics illustrating and/or accompanying the Products are not contractual, which the Customer acknowledges.

Article 3  –  Obligations de Wolf ID

3.1 Wolf ID undertakes to allow the Client access to the Site and to place orders on the Site online. Wolf ID undertakes to communicate the confirmation of the order after each order, accompanied by a summary of the order. 

It should be noted, however, that all costs relating to access to the Site remain the exclusive responsibility of the Customer.

3.2 Wolf ID s’engage à assurer le bon fonctionnement du service proposé en permettant au Client d’avoir accès à son Espace Personnel. En cas de commande d’une WolfCard, Wolf ID s’engage à rendre accessible le Business Profile du Client dans le cadre de l’exécution du service qu’elle propose.

3.3 Wolf ID undertakes to ensure that the information transmitted by the Client or entered on its Business Profile is in conformity with those indicated by the Client. In the event that the Wolf ID teams enter information that does not conform to the information indicated by the Client, the Client must inform the customer service department by e-mail at, which will make the modification without delay. 

3.4 Wolf ID will not be held responsible for the information communicated by the Client, defined in article 3.2 of the present document, who remains responsible for their content.

3.5 Wolf ID cannot be held responsible for any dysfunction affecting the good execution of the proposed service as long as it is not due to its fault.

Thus, and without this constituting a limitative list, Wolf ID could not be held responsible in case of malfunction of the proposed service, which would be caused by :

Customer's equipment;

The material of the third party to whom the Customer wants to communicate his professional information by means of his connected business card within the framework of the proposed service;

The business card connected because of a use not in conformity with its destination or a defect of maintenance of this one.

La carte de visite connectée à raison d’un usage non conforme à sa destination ou d’un défaut d’entretien de celle-ci.

3.6 Wolf ID commits itself to implement all reasonable means at its disposal in order to ensure an access in conformity with the Client's expectations but is in no way bound to an obligation of result. 

Article 4  –  Obligations du Client

4.1 The Customer declares that he/she is of legal age and has the legal capacity or parental authorization to place an order on the Site.

4.2 For each service offered by Wolf ID, the Client is required to fill in all the information requested on the Site for this purpose.

The Client commits himself to communicate to Wolf ID the real elements of information necessary to the realization of the service object of the present conditions as requested on line and according to his situation, in particular his name, first name, address, telephone and valid e-mail.

The Customer commits himself to check the information he will transmit to Wolf ID for all orders, notably during the summary of his order. 

4.3 The Customer is responsible for the consequences resulting from false or inaccurate information transmitted or which would be illicit.

The customer who has transmitted false or inaccurate information will not be able to modify this information after receiving the confirmation by e-mail of his order. Nevertheless, Wolf ID will allow the customer to update his order at the preferential rate called "update" indicated on the Site. 

4.4 Customer acknowledges that the rights granted hereunder shall extend to any update or new version replacing and/or supplementing the Site, unless the relevant update or new version contains its own terms of sale.

4.5 In accordance with Article 16 of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 ("GDPR"), the Customer has a right of rectification allowing him/her to modify inaccurate or incomplete information concerning him/her. 

However, it should be specified that this right only concerns the information collected and kept by Wolf ID and does not allow the modification of the information present on the Customer's WolfCard; the Customer will have to place a new order in case of rectification or change of information. 

Article 5  –  Accès au Site

5.1 The Site is accessible free of charge to any Internet user with Internet access.

Costs relating to access to the Site such as access to computer hardware, software or internet access costs are the sole responsibility of the Customer.

5.2 The Customer will be able to connect to the Site at any time, i.e. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including Sundays and public holidays, with the exception of maintenance periods.

Article 6 –  Commande 

6.1 Any order will be validated only after acceptance of the payment.

6.2 Wolf ID reserves the right to cancel or refuse an order in case of a dispute with the Customer on a previous order.

6.3 Wolf ID can accept orders within the limit of available stocks. It informs the Customer of the availability of the Products sold on the Site at the time of the order confirmation.

If, despite Wolf ID's vigilance, the products are unavailable, Wolf ID will inform the Customer by e-mail as soon as possible. The Customer will then be able to cancel his order and be reimbursed, if necessary, the amounts already paid.

The permanent or temporary unavailability can in no way engage the responsibility of Wolf ID, nor can it open any right to compensation or damages in favor of the Customer.

Article 7 –  Prix

7.1 The prices displayed on the Site are indicated in euros excluding French taxes (French VAT and other taxes that may apply) and excluding shipping costs.

7.2 The shipping costs will be indicated in the Customer's shopping cart, before the final validation of the order. 

7.3 Les prix peuvent êtres modifiés à tout moment, sans préavis et notamment en cas de changement de données fiscales ou économiques. Les articles seront facturés sur la base des tarifs en vigueur au moment de l’enregistrement de la commande.

Article 8  –  Livraison

8.1 Wolf ID delivers its Products in France and abroad.

8.2 The products are shipped with the delivery note, to the delivery address indicated by the Customer when ordering. 

8.3 The delivery times indicated on the site are indicative times, corresponding to the average processing and delivery times. In order for these deadlines to be respected, the Customer must ensure that he/she has provided accurate and complete information concerning the delivery address (such as, in particular: street number, building number, staircase number, access codes, names and/or intercom numbers, etc.).

8.4 In the event of a delay in delivery of more than 14 working days, excluding delays not caused by the Customer, if the product has not been shipped, the Customer may cancel the order by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt and request a refund of the order. 

8.5 In case of damaged packages, the Customer commits himself to notify the carrier and Wolf ID, by any means, of any reservations within 3 days of receiving the product.

8.6 Wolf ID cannot be held responsible for the consequences due to a delay in delivery that is not its fault.

Article 9  –  Paiement 

9.1 The totality of the payment must be realized at the time of the order. At no time can the sums paid be considered as deposits or down payments. The Customer pays his order by credit card (Visa, Eurocard/Mastercard), with his Paypal account or by bank transfer, in accordance with the provisions of this article.

9.2 The communication by the Client of his credit card number is worth authorizing Wolf ID to debit his account for the amount of his order.

No COD shipments will be accepted for any reason.

9.3 Wolf ID keeps the property of the Product until the full payment of the price by the Customer. For payments by credit card (credit card, Visa card and e-Card), all information that the Customer communicates to Wolf ID is strictly protected and guarantees the conformity and the security of each transaction.

Article 10  –  Absence de droit de rétractation

Under Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code, the right of withdrawal can not be exercised for orders for the supply of goods made to the specifications of the consumer or clearly personalized. 

The Products offered by Wolf ID being personalized by the information provided by the Customer, no return, refund or credit note can be made. 

Article 11 - Guarantees and liability

Wolf ID has, for all the steps of access to the site, from the order process to the shipment of the parcel or the subsequent services, only an obligation of means. 

11.1 The Site is accessible according to an availability that Wolf ID strives to ensure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Nevertheless, permanent access to the Site may be interrupted for maintenance operations, updating of certain software, interventions necessary for its proper functioning or for unforeseeable circumstances beyond the control of Wolf ID.

These interruptions will be indicated on the Site and will not entitle Wolf ID to any compensation whatsoever.

11.2 Wolf ID cannot be held responsible if the non-execution or the delay in the execution of any of its obligations, as described in the present document, results from a case of force majeure, in the sense of article 1218 of the Civil Code. 

Wolf ID will have to inform the Client without delay of its impossibility to execute its service and justify itself to the Client. The suspension of the obligations can in no case be a cause of responsibility for non-execution of the obligation in question, nor lead to the payment of damages. 

Consequently, Wolf ID cannot be held responsible in case of force majeure preventing the use of the Site, the access to the Customer Personal Space, the modification of the Business Profilel, and in a non-limitative way, in case of events making the transmission networks inoperable, interrupting the access networks to the site making them unavailable, even partially, altering the reliability and/or the security of the transmission of the data or the access times, or provoking access restrictions to the Internet network.

Expressly, are considered as force majeure or fortuitous event, in addition to those usually retained by the jurisprudence of the French courts and tribunals, total or partial strikes, boycotts or other actions of an industrial nature or commercial disputes, blocking of means of transport or supply for any reason whatsoever, governmental or legal restrictions, legal or regulatory modifications of the forms of marketing, computer breakdown, blocking of telecommunications, and any other case independent of the will of the parties preventing the normal performance of the contractual relationship.

11.3 Les mots de passe et code d’accès du Client sont strictement confidentiels et personnels, de sorte que Wolf ID ne saurait être tenu responsable de tout usage illicite et/ou frauduleux des mots de passe mis à disposition du Client ou créés à la suite d’une demande émanant de celui-ci.

11.4 Wolf ID cannot be responsible for a bad use of the Site by the Client.

Article 12  – Propriété intellectuelle 

12.1 Under no circumstances is the Customer allowed to download or modify all or part of the Site and in particular its content (listed products, descriptions, images, videos...).

This Site or any portion of this Site may not be reproduced, copied, sold or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose without the express written permission of Wolf ID.

12.2 In general, all copyrights, trademarks and other distinctive signs and property or intellectual property rights appearing on the Site, will remain the full and complete property of Wolf ID.

12.3 The Customer is therefore bound to respect intellectual property rights and may not use the trademarks appearing on the Site and on the Products, if any, or register any trademark that would be prejudicial to the owner of the rights, unless otherwise provided for by contract.

The same applies to any other intellectual property right.

Article 13  –  Garanties et responsabilité

13.1 Wolf ID undertakes to use the confidential information provided by the Customer only in the context of the proper processing of the order and the operation of the Site. 

For the good progress of the order, the collected personal data will be the object of a data-processing treatment, the Customer recognizes to have knowledge of it. For this reason, the information concerning him can be communicated to the technical service providers of Wolf ID.

In addition, Wolf ID may apply technical means to obtain non-personal information relating to Internet users and intended to improve the functionalities of the site, for example by tracing the number of visitors on certain pages.

13.2 In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD), the Customer has the right to access, rectify and delete personal data concerning him/her in the Wolf ID files. Any request must be sent by e-mail to: or by mail to the following address Wolf ID, 47 Boulevard de Courcelles, 75008 Paris, FRANCE.

It should be specified that these rights do not imply the possibility for the Customer to modify the information contained on his WolfCard resulting from an order subsequent to the correction of his information, and which must be the subject of an update proposed by the Site. 

Article 14 - General Provisions

14.1 Partial invalidity of a clause

If any of the stipulations of these conditions is declared null and void or unenforceable by a competent court, it will be declared unwritten and will not entail the nullity of the other stipulations.

14.2 Applicable law - Jurisdiction

14.2 Droit applicable - Compétence juridictionnelle 

In the event of a dispute, the Customer may contact the Wolf ID after-sales service to seek an amicable solution, either : 

  • par courrier à l’adresse suivante : 52 Boulevard Perier, 13008 Marseille, FRANCE 
  • by email :

Any dispute must be subject to a prior attempt at amicable settlement. In the absence of amicable settlement, jurisdiction is attributed to the competent French courts, notwithstanding multiple defendants or warranty claims.

Article 15  –  Acceptation 

The Customer acknowledges having read and accepted the present general conditions of sale. 

Toutes questions concernant les présentes Conditions Générales de Vente peuvent être envoyées par e-mail à